
Individual, Couples, and Family Counseling // Online Counselor Supervision

Books (Textbooks):

Bauman, S., & Royal, C. (in press). The Clinician's Handbook: Essential Knowledge for Mental Health Professionals (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Cognella.

Scott, D., & Royal, C. (2019). Career Counseling: An Anthology of Relevant Career Counseling Research. San Diego, CA: Cognella.

Scott, D., Royal, C., & Kissinger, D. (2015).  Counselor as consultant.  Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.  ISBN: 9781452242187

Book Chapters:

Royal, C. (2021). Personality Disorders (Ch. 15). In Scott and Scott (Eds.) Psychopathology: A Case Based Approach. San Diego, CA: Cognella.

Royal, C., Williams, R., Kurian, K., Blount, T., & Barrow, J. (2021). Childhood Disorders (Ch. 3). In Scott and Scott (Eds.) Psychopathology: A Case Based Approach. San Diego, CA: Cognella.

Royal, C., Wasik, S., Horne, R., Dames, L., & Newsome, G. (2019). Digital Wellness: Integrating Wellness in Everyday Life with Digital Content and Learning Technologies (Ch. 41). In Information Resources Management Association (Eds.) Internet and Technology Addiction: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice (2 Volumes; pp. 733-747). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Royal, C., Wasik, S., Horne, R., Dames, L., & Newsome, G. (2019). Digital Wellness: Integrating Wellness in Everyday Life with Digital Content and Learning Technologies (Ch. 19). In Information Resources Management Association (Eds.) Mulitgenerational Online Behavior and Media Use: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (3 Volumes; pp. 362-376). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Royal, C., Wasik, S., Horne, R., Dames, L., & Newsome, G.  (2017).  Digital Wellness: Integrating Wellness in Everyday Life with Digital Content and Learning Technologies (Ch. 6).  In Keengwe and Bull (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Transformative Digital Content and Learning Technologies (pp. 103-117). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Dames, L., Royal, C., & Sawyer-Kurian, K. (2017).  Active Student Engagement through the Use of WebEx, MindTap, and a Residency Component to Teach a Masters Online Group Counseling Course (Ch. 14). In Keengwe and Bull (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Transformative Digital Content and Learning Technologies (pp. 245-267). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Refereed Peer Reviewed Journals:

Royal, C. (In progress).  An Introduction to the Digital Wellness Model for Counseling Problematic Behaviors Related to the Use of Technology.

Wasik, S.Z., Barrow, J.C., Royal, C., Brooks, R.M., Dames, L., Corry, L., & Bird, C. (2019). Online counselor education: Creative approaches and best practices in online learning environments. Research on Education and Psychology, 3(1), 43-52. Retrieved from

Corbett, T., Sawyer-Kurian, K.M., Darrell, G., Tyre, A., Dunston, L., & Royal, C. (2019). Exploring challenges and clinical issues of undocumented immigrants: The case of Mexican Americans. North Carolina Counseling Journal, 14(1), 11-24.

Moody, E., & Royal, C. (2017).  Pastoral Demands and Resilience Characteristics.  D6 Family Ministry Journal.

Paylor, S., & Royal, C. (2016). Assessing the Effectiveness of EMDR in the Treatment of Sexual Trauma. The Practitioner Scholar: Journal of Counseling and Professional Psychology, 5(1), 1-6.

Royal, C., Wade, W., & Nickel, H. (2015). Career development and vocational behavior of adults with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.  Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, 31(4), 54-63.

Huebner, E., & Royal, C. (2013). Beyond self-actualization: Voluntary midlife career transitions and implications for career counselors. Career Planning and Adult Development Journal, 29(4), 37-44.

Royal, C., Kurian, K., Moody, E., Newsome, G., & Lawrence, W.  (2009).  Digital Audio Technology in Counselor Education: A Qualitative Evaluation of Podcasting Use. NC Perspectives: A Journal of the North Carolina Counseling Association, 2, 42-52.

Moody, E., Royal, C., & Newsome, G. (2008).  How a sample of Cubans and Floridians coped with the 2004 hurricane season. Journal of Trauma Counseling International, 2(1),

Royal, C., & Baker, S. (2005).  The effects of a moral education program on parents of elementary school students. Journal of Moral Education, 34, 215-230.

Refereed e-publication:

Royal, C. (2017, March).  Defining Career Consultation.  Career Convergence.  Retrieved March 1, 2017 from

Royal, C. (2007, April).  Podcasting in Career Development.  Career Convergence.  Retrieved April 1, 2007 from

Non-refereed e-publication:

Royal, C. (2016, August).  Announcing a New Associate Editor, Career Convergence.  Retrieved August 1, 2016 from

Encyclopedia Entry:

Royal, C.  (2009).  Occupation.  In American Counseling Association (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Counseling (p. 374).  Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.

Podcasts (Published Educational Resources):

Royal, C., & Whiting, P.  (2007).  Grief counseling and crisis response: An interview with Dr. Peggy Whiting.  Podcast:  CAS068. April 19.

Royal, C., & Newsome, G. (2006).  Counseling veterans with PTSD: An interview with Dr. Gwendolyn Newsome. Podcast:  CAS049. December 7.

Royal, C., & Moody, E.  (2006).  Cuban/Floridian response to hurricane stress: An interview with Dr. Edward Moody.  Podcast:, CAS040. October 5.