
Individual, Couples, and Family Counseling // Online Counselor Supervision

Supervision meetings are scheduled in (at most) one hour increments -- by appointment only.  The meetings are held entirely online. The fee is $35 per individual meeting appointment.  

I believe that the cost of supervision should be affordable for those who end up having to pay for licensure supervision.

All payments for supervision are made online using PayPal (which allows a debit card, credit card, or a bank electronic funds transfer to be used).

Using PayPal, I will send an invoice after the scheduled time.  This feature keeps track of invoices sent and paid status.  It should also be beneficial for tax purposes (as a record of an itemized business expense).

All supervisees are still responsible for payment of a scheduled appointment, even if they fail to show for our scheduled time together. Cancellation of scheduled appointments (to avoid this cost) require a 24-hour notice - and should be cancelled directly through the online calendar, so that others may sign up for the time should it become available.

All invoices should be paid before the next appointment.